Refined Cottonseed Oil 500ml Pouch
Rani Refined Cottonseed Oil is made at ultra-modern ‘Alfa Laval’ (Japan Technology) facility. Fragrance-free oil maintains original taste and shelf life of food products. The high amount of Linoleic acids and Tocopherol controls cholesterol level and maintain overall health.

(Only Available In Rajkot,Gujarat)
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What makes Rani Refined Cottonseed Oil the first choice?
  • Made at ultra modern ‘Alfa Laval’ (Japan Technology) facility.
  • Fragrance-free oil maintains original taste and shelf life of food products.
  • Hundred percent pure and ‘Make in India’ product.
  • FSSAI (FOOD SAFETY AND STANDARD AUTHORITY OF INDIA)  certified unadulterated oil.
  • The high amount of Linoleic (Omega 6) decreases bad cholesterol (LDL).
  • High in Tocopherol which makes recipes are fresh.
  • 40 years experience in offering best quality & 100% pure edible oils.
  • Fortified with Vitamins A & D.
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